If you own an industrial site which has an onsite transformer, it is important that this piece of equipment is properly maintained. One area which may need special attention is the liquid cooling system. Below is a guide to everything you need to know about this subject.

Check for signs of leaks

The transformer's coolant system should be periodically inspected to ensure that it is not leaking. Leaks are often caused by broken seals on the pipes which move the coolant around. If a leak is undetected and the level of coolant falls, this could result in the transformer overheating, which could create a very dangerous situation. If any leaks are spotted, the transformer should be shut down so repair work can be carried out. Any broken seals should be replaced, and any cracks in pipes should be repaired using welding equipment. Once the repairs are complete, you should refill the coolant tank with liquid. 

Check for the build-up of sludge

With use, sludge and residue can build up on the interior of the radiators. This debris tends to sink to the bottom of each radiator where it compromises the efficiency of the heat transfer process because the liquid coolant will not be able to reach all parts of the radiator. In order to check for this problem, you will need to invest in an infrared thermometer device which will allow you to monitor the temperature of different parts of the transformers coolant system so you can identify any areas which are not performing as they should be. Areas which are affected by a build-up of sludge tend to appear much cooler when compared to the surrounding areas of the radiator. If you detect this problem, you will need to have the transformers radiator flushed by a professional company. This involves pumping high-pressure water which contains additives which breaks down the sludge through the system.

Make sure all valves are operational

Valves control the flow of coolant into the radiators of a liquid cooled transformer. These valves are automatically opened and closed in response to temperature readings from the thermostat sensor located on the equipment. However, sometimes the valves may become stuck in an open or closed position. If this occurs, it can severely affect the flow of coolant and cause the transformer to overheat. As part of routine maintenance, the operation of each valve should be checked, and any damaged valves should be repaired or replaced.
