Industrial conveyor systems in your commercial operation should be maintained on a regular basis. The right upkeep processes will promote better performance, ensuring maximum productivity and profit. Also, the servicing work will prolong the conveyor's service life, reducing the long-term costs of equipment repair and replacement. Unfortunately, performing maintenance on a conveyor system can be hazardous. There are numerous moving parts in the setup; a small mistake can cause personnel injury. If you are concerned about this issue in your worksite, you should use these simple tips to promote safety during conveyor maintenance.

Avoid Handling Operating Conveyors

You should never allow maintenance to take place when the conveyor system is in operation. It is essential for you to turn off the entire setup even if the repairs or servicing required is minimal. For the best results, you should also lock out the disconnect switch at the circuit breaker panel during the maintenance. This extra precaution will limit access to the power switch, preventing other workers from reconnecting the system before maintenance is completed. When the servicing work is completed, you must ensure that every worker is clear from the system before restarting.

Replace Protective Devices

Multiple protective devices are installed along a conveyor belt system to prevent direct contact with the workers. For example, the setup will have conveyor guarding, pinch point guards and other similar safety equipment. If these elements are absent, the workers will be more vulnerable during material-handling operations. On the other hand, these protective devices will need to be removed for some maintenance tasks. You can avoid mishaps by ensuring that the guards are replaced immediately after the servicing work is complete. While there might be more downtime, you will ensure that accidents are avoided.

Inspect the System for Hazards

You should perform regular inspections of the conveyor belt systems. The assessment should help you identify problems before and after servicing or repairing the industrial equipment. In general, you should look for protruding items along the belt and sharp objects connected to the conveyor. These hazards should be removed or repaired before the conveyor is put into work again. You should also examine the system for broken and worn parts and replace them to promote optimal safety. In addition, you should clear out existing conveyor jams and eliminate foreign objects.

Finally, you should maintain proper housekeeping around the conveyor during and after maintenance. If lubricants are spilled or waste is produced during servicing, you should ensure that the space is cleaned before resuming operations.
