If you need to purchase a new oven for your industrial food manufacturing facility, here are two things you should look for when the time comes to begin shopping for this item.

Features that will maximise your enterprise's efficiency levels

If you want your food manufacturing business to be successful, it is absolutely critical to ensure that you run your enterprise in an efficient manner.

Your choice of oven can have a significant impact on the efficiency levels of your facility; if you opt for a very basic piece of equipment with no special features, your employees may be forced to spend an excessive amount of their workdays maintaining and tinkering with this piece of equipment.

As such, it is important to look for an oven which comes with features that will boost your business' efficiency levels. Take, for example, the Unox XEVC-2011-EPR; this oven can store hundreds of cooking programs.

This means that when one of your employees needs to cook a specific food product in a specific manner, they will not have to waste time manually programming the oven each and every time they need to prepare that particular food dish. Instead, they can simply press one button, pop the food into the oven chamber and move on to their next work task in a matter of seconds.

Similarly, the Unox XEVC-2011-EPR also comes with a very generously-proportioned drip pan; this will ensure that your employees won't need to spend their time repeatedly emptying the drip pan throughout the course of the workday, as the size of this pan will mean that there will be no risk of the grease inside it overflowing into the rest of the oven chamber.

An oven which is made from durable but lightweight materials

It is vital to ensure that the oven you choose is made from materials which are lightweight but very robust.

The reasons for this are as follows; firstly, if you choose an oven that is made from flimsy materials, the condition of its components will probably deteriorate very quickly. This will mean that you will then need to spend both time and money repairing these damaged components.

Secondly, the oven must be lightweight so that your employees can easily move it to another part of your facility's kitchen if they need to, without running the risk of straining their backs or hurting their knees in the process.

A lightweight oven will not only be easier for them to carry but will also be far less likely to hurt them or another nearby staff member if they accidentally drop it on their foot or onto their colleague whilst moving it to another location.
